Klassen, R., Contro Castaldo, I. and Liceras, J. ‘Interpreting diminutives in compounding: L1 and L2 perspectives on Brazilian Portuguese.’ UIC Bilingualism Forum (BilForum 2018), University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. October 2-3.

Klassen, R. and Rogers, V. ‘Stimuli design: Frequency measure challenges and the perennial problem of L2 learner input.’ 28th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA28), University of Münster, Germany. September 5-8.

Contro Castaldo, I., Klassen, R. and Liceras, J. ‘Examining headedness in native and nonnative grammars: Insights from compounding in L1 and L2 Brazilian Portuguese.’ 28th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA28), University
of Münster, Germany. September 5-8.

Klassen, R., Contro Castaldo, I. and Liceras, J. ‘Native and non-native Brazilian Portuguese grammars through the lens of derivational morphology in compounding.’ Romance Turn 9 (RT9), University of Bucharest, Romania. August 30-September 1.

Klassen, R. and Lundquist, B. ‘Grammatical gender in the mental lexicon: Insights from L1 language change.’ Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Gender (ThEGen), Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS). June 14-15.


Klassen, R. and Liceras, J. ‘On the scope of inflectional and derivational affixes in Spanish NN compounds: Headedness in the L2 grammar.’ 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB11), University of Limerick, Ireland. June 11-15.

Liceras, J., Fernández Fuertes, R. and Klassen, R. ‘Cross-linguistic influence in simulteanous bilingual acquisition: On the role of adult input and lexical specialization.’ 11th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB11), University of Limerick, Ireland. June 11-15.

Klassen, R. and Liceras, J. ‘Headedness in the grammar of English-Spanish bilinguals: Evidence from inflectional and derivational affixes.’ 14th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA14), University of Southampton, UK. April 7-9.

Klassen, R. ‘Gender concord in Spanish-German code-switched DPs: The case of neuter.’ Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World (BHL 2017), Florida State University, USA. January 27-29.

Liceras, J., Fernández Fuertes, R. and Klassen, R. ‘Linguistic theory and code-switching data: Feature matching restrictions…and beyond.Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World (BHL 2017), Florida State University, USA. January 27-29.


Klassen, R. ‘What code-switching reveals about the nature of asymmetric gender systems in the bilingual mental lexicon.’ 26th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Jyväskylä, Finland. August 24-27.

Liceras, J. and Klassen, R. ‘The representation of headedness in the mind of non-native Spanish speakers: Evidence from compounding and derivation.’ 26th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA 26), Jyväskylän yliopisto, Jyväskylä, Finland. August 24-27.

Liceras, J., and Klassen, R. ‘Spanish evaluative affixes and the representation of headedness in the mind of the speaker: An inflection-derivation divide?’ 46th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL46), Stony Brook University, USA. March 31-April 3.


Valenzuela, E., Borg, K., Klassen, R., and Zamuner, T. ‘Heritage speaker processing strategies: An eye-tracking study.’ Lost in Transmission Workshop: The Role of Attrition and Input in Heritage Language Development, University of Reading, UK. October 8-9.

Klassen, R., and Liceras, J. ‘The production of code-switched concord and agreement structures: A new perspective on the mental representation of gender in the mind of the bilingual.’ Romance Turn 7 (RT7), Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy. October 1-3.

Liceras, J. and Klassen, R. ‘Anaphora resolution in the non-native Spanish grammar of French and English speakers: The role (or lack thereof) of cross-linguistic structural similarity.’ Romance Turn 7 (RT7), Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Venice, Italy. October 1-3.

Klassen, R., Liceras, J. and Alba de la Fuente, A. ‘On the anaphoric interpretation of null and overt pronouns: Does superficial structural similarity have any predictive power?’ International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS 2015), Great Arsenali Conference Center, Chania, Crete, Greece. September 7-10.

Liceras, J. and Klassen, R. ‘Compounding and derivation in Spanish: Do evaluative affixes constitute evidence for the representation of headedness in the mind of native and nonnative speakers?’ VI Simposio Internacional de Bilingüismo y Educación Bilingüe en América Latina (BilingLatAm VI), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru. August 13-15.

Klassen, R. and Liceras, J. ‘Cross-linguistic influence in simultaneous bilingual acquisition: Hindrance or help?’ VI Simposio Internacional de Bilingüismo y Educación Bilingüe en América Latina (BilingLatAm VI), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru. August 13-15.

Liceras, J. and Klassen, R. ‘Compounding and derivation: On the ‘promiscuity’ of derivational affixes.’ Bilingual morphology at the crossroads: Multidisciplinary perspectives on word structure, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. May 20.


Valenzuela, E., Zamuner, T., Klassen, R. and Borg, K. ‘Parsing strategies in code-switched relative clause constructions: An eye-tracking study.’ Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 39), Boston University, USA. November 7-9.

Liceras, J., Klassen, R. and Fernández Fuertes, R. ‘On the status of gender assignment and gender agreement in the mind of the bilingual: Evidence from code-switched structures.’ UIC Bilingualism Forum (BilForum 2014), University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. October 2-3.

Klassen, R. and Liceras, J. ‘Bilingual lexical access: The gender transfer – gender default paradox.’ 9th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon (Mental Lexicon 2014), Queen’s Landing Hotel, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada. September 30-October 2.

Klassen, R., Liceras, J., and Landa-Buil, M. ‘A syntactic account of differences in the processing and production of code-switched concord and agreement structures.’ International Conference on the Acquisition of Romance Languages (Romance Turn 6), Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. September 18-20.

Klassen, R., Fernández Fuertes, R., Liceras, J. ‘Native and non-native speakers’ intuitions about grammatical gender: More on the status of the ‘analogical criterion’ in codeswitched structures.’ 24th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA 24), University of York, UK. September 3-6.

Klassen, R., Liceras, J., and Landa-Buil, M. ‘On the representation of gender in the mind of the bilingual: The view from the interpretation and production of concord and agreement code-switched structures.’ 24th Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG24), Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid, Spain. May 28-30.

Klassen, R., Landa-Buil, M., and Liceras, J. ‘Feature valuation in concord and agreement structures: One or two puzzles?’ 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL44), University of Western Ontario, Canada. May 2-4.


Klassen, R. and Liceras, J. ‘Non-similar grammatical gender systems in the mental lexicon: Evidence for L1-L2 gender integration?’ Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 38), Boston University, USA. November 1-3.

Klassen, R. ‘Grammatical gender systems in the mental lexicon: Insights from neuter in Spanish-German bilinguals’. International Conference on Multilingualism, McGill University, Canada. October 24-25.

Valenzuela, E., Klassen, R., Llama, R., and Goundareva, I. ‘Parsing strategies of Spanish heritage speakers: Ambiguous relative clause attachment in code-switched sentences’. Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (GASLA 12), University of Florida, USA. April 26-28.